Please use and keep the umbrella for long time with care. In case your umbrella is broken, you can use a no time limit replacement warranty for free. (One time only, same to the original product.)
Warranty Condition
◾️Targeted Products
・Umbrella Case-X 55 Black
・Umbrella Case-X 55 Mocha
・Umbrella 2-Topless 50 Black
・Umbrella 2-Topless 50 Mocha
・Umbrella 3-Fold 55 Black
・Umbrella 3-Fold 55 Mocha
◾️Warranty Period
No limited
◾️Replacement Product
Same to the original product and one time only for one product
◾️Shipping cost(Replacement process)
The customer is responsible for shipping costs of returning your item and receiving replacement.Please pay the shipping cost by yourself when you want to return your item.Before sending the replacement from our company, we will inform you about payment page so please access to pay the shipping fee.
◾️ How to Ask for a Replacement
Please fill out your information. After checking, we mail you the shipping address and more details.